Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Software Bundle

The combination of two or more softwares in a single package is called software bundle. Generally these are the tricks of the vendors to attract the customers. Occasionally bundled softwares come along with the computer hardware devices. It is mandatory for the working of that hardware device.

The software bundles are tested by the manufacturer before they put up on the markets. This is very much essential to maintain the reputation of a particular company. If there is a fault in the software then, it will not work for sure. Customers will certainly lose hope on the company. Hence, testing of these software bundles is mandatory. Some of the examples of software bundles available in the market:
• The driver software for mouse is available with the mouse.
• The driver software of particular pen-drive is in built. Hence, as soon as you insert into the computer port, it will configure and enable the communication with the user if it is only perfect.
• Microsoft office will be already installed in some of the computers.
• Antivirus might also be installed in the computers so that it will ensure the protection.
• Suppose you need to interface a modem with the microprocessor or microcontroller, then the modem provider will give you the driver software while you buy the modem.

Generally, hardware interfaces with the computer need the help of these software bundles for working. The important things that should be taken care regarding these are their compatibility with the hardware, properties and speed. The communication of the particular interface is possible only if there is synchronization with that processor or controller.

Vendors always try to attract by adding discounts to these packages. You have to be aware about the basic needs, verify all the requirements and then buy it. It is not mandatory to buy the computers with software bundles. There is always an option to buy Microsoft Open License. Hence, if you don’t like the properties of the software bundles that come with hardware interfaces, better option is to buy without these.

This is mainly a promotion of the software. Usually these promotions are through the internet and hence, before buying a particular product you can always research on this. Check the reviews, specification and details of the product and company. Write your requirements in a paper and then go for buying. Remember that the requirements should match perfectly since a minor fault can also corrupt your device.

Each programming-software has its own programming environment and it is specified by the manufacturer. The communication is possible only if the user works in this environment. Editors, compilers, interpreters and debuggers are very familiar for the software programmers. The environment which is used for the merging of these software bundles is known as Integrated Development Environment. The programs can be verified easily with these tools and hence ensures the working of a device. Integrated Development Environment is generally for Graphical User Interface and this is an advance option available. This makes the tools more convenient for the user to interact.

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