Friday, February 26, 2010

Shuttle Software

In recent days, due to the advancement in technology work has become very easier. You can finish your work in seconds with the help of these software’s. Even the task that needs difficult procedures and experienced professionals can be done easily within a short period of time. The software used by Space Shuttle is generally called as shuttle software.

Space Shuttle uses hardware to direct, navigate and control it through each and every phase of the flight. The software used in interface with this hardware is very complicated. The computers set in the flight uses very complex programs and also only experienced people can handle this work. The interface between man and machine in the Space Shuttle is composed of electromechanical instruments which are totally dedicated and several switches that include focused displays. This also uses a microprocessor technology which is growing exponentially in recent days.

The following are the goals of the scientists, while working with the computers of the Space Shuttle:

• Distributing the display functions results in off loading of main computers.
• It is very important to reduce the work load on each computer whenever necessary.
• Cost of maintenance should be reduced as much as possible.
• The display should be able to reconfigure and the sensitivity should be increased.
• Time constraints are very important in this technology. The result will be totally flip flopped even if there is a very minor mistake in calculation.
• Advanced active LCDs are used for the displays.
• Space Shuttle’s weight, tight spaces are very important terms to consider.
• The Space Shuttle is also required to be tested for power consumption. It has to meet all the conditions as per the requirement strategies.
• The constraints related to the programs are also very important and it deals with validity, transparency and many more.

Space Shuttle computer functions are as follows:
• These computers have the capacity of on-board data processing which deals with orbital functions.
• Data processing also deals with handling the payloads and scrutinizing the performance.
• General purpose computers that are used will have to satisfy all the requirements of Avionics. These computers are mainly for performing complex computations which are related to the programs installed.

Software coding is very important and hence, there is a need to be very careful about this. There are disastrous situations occurred due to bad coding like, destruction of Mars Polar Lander in 1999. The engine was totally out of work due to the bad coding. The loss was in terms of millions of dollars. If there is nothing mistake in the hardware and still the particular machine is not working means, the fault is with only software. Everything is run using software in this modern world and even the traffic lights are controlled by programming. Usage of programs in an intelligent way can create miracles in the world. Nowadays real time applications are emerging and the changes can be done simultaneously, that is nothing but without even a second delay.

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