Friday, February 26, 2010

Software bus

The software bus is used to convey data from one software section to another software module or communication between two routes. This is an object oriented and language library function. This is work on the basis of TCP/IP protocol. If you want your business running successively and find more clients, take the software bus training. Bus is a hardware word for inter connecting different systems. This bus is used for transferring big quantity of data or any other information from one route to another. Some bus software is available in market which helps to improve your business by attracting more customers from their marketing software.

The software bus has many good features. Data transfer speed is very high; therefore performance of the software is very high. Programmer can give arguments like input or output opinion. At running a program you can define data types and objects. Using of software bus you can detect breaking of bus in anywhere; this process called remote processes which can possible easy programming. Once the connection is recognized then call back is received. This supports cross communication process. Take the benefits of marketing software, it is an effortless work but the work of company owner and the worker of a bus is not an easy work.

If you want to write a huge software program package, then the data is obtained by a memory device. This memory device connects the system to bus. There are many types of software’s like billing and invoicing software, memory optimizer software, email marketing software, coach software, business software, Linux and Unix software development etc. Linux and UNIX both are operating systems this reduces the job and saves your time. The software of email marketing offers large features. This will helps you in keeping path of your work and successes. Here you get monthly bill only based on your size of list which gives unrestricted quantity of emails to send in that month. This is the better company which gives you a lot of handy free tools. This fulfills your business need.

These software's have their own applications. Business software helps to increase their products. This software helps in small, medium and large business market which consists of office suits, accounting software, MS office, shopping cart software, group ware etc. Early days there is only peer to peer software application, but now you can find many new technologies.

In memory optimizer software is used on computer systems with bus speeds up to 66 mega Hz. Coach Software is growing in the coach industry. This software includes vehicle and driver scheduling, quotes and invoices, route planning.

Intellicosting software is used to control different accounts such as ware house inventory, logistics inventory, stock room record and inventory management, and it controls manufacturing software.

From the software bus you can improve your order and customer can be satisfied. This software improves the work accuracy and you can increase your demand. This saves your time and speed will increase. Totally all over performance can be increased.


If anyone is planning to go for a vacation off the country then there comes a problem of how to go, where to stay, when to stay. Deciding the place on where to spend the vacation is not at all a big issue. The road maps and travel agents give clear information on how to reach the exact destination with less pain and obstacles. The problem arrives while booking for the hotels and restaurants. However this can be done by online reservations. But sometimes due to misconception or any other misuse of any of the documents, some of the customer details may be lost. This creates severe troubles and may drown the traveler into a serious trauma.

With an intention to curb all these sorts of problem, a software known as Hotel reservation software is used by all the online reservation hotel agencies to keep in track all the details of the customers. The development of this type of software eliminates the need of assembling large heaps of documents containing the customer details. It is intended to reduce the task of booking process and holds the required details of the customers. Most of the paper work involved in the reservation process was eliminated and also there was a remarkable reduction of the errors that were encountered as compared to the one without using the software.

Managing the customers with an intention of repetitive business is an important task to be carried out by the hotel reservation companies .They maintain the hotel reservation software to keep in track about the customer details such as their address, contact numbers, birth dates, their nick names, food allergy notes, and other personal details and give a warm welcoming note on the door upon entering. This adds up their concern to the customers who in turn feel more homely. Whenever the reservations are made the customer details are automatically added to the hotel database.

The software covers a wide range reservation for the hotels and resorts. It holds the data entries of all the customers and updates as and when required. It is a general purpose software associate with hotel reservations, hotel maintenance, hotel management, billing, hotel accounting etc. It also holds other facilities and options such as magnetic card reading, scanning of the ID card, sign pad, web cams placed at various stages of stay, payroll, audit trail etc

Some of the features available in this software are walk in guest, guest deposits, multiple currencies, credit card transactions and no rents to be paid for the database maintained for the guests, advance search for the guest, phone book and address book of the customer, night audit, business source, guest folio, property configuration, Electronic key locking interface, On line processing of the credit cards, customized reports, all accounting interface etc.These features provide a key to all sorts of reservation queries at a lightning fast speed. Also the advancement of internet tools helps in sending promotional messages and confirmation emails and thus adding more facilities to the online reservation process. These are the benefits of hotel reservation software.

All the reputed and 5 star hotels and resorts hold this sort of software that makes the online reservation facilities much beneficial and easier and hassle free.

Shuttle Software

In recent days, due to the advancement in technology work has become very easier. You can finish your work in seconds with the help of these software’s. Even the task that needs difficult procedures and experienced professionals can be done easily within a short period of time. The software used by Space Shuttle is generally called as shuttle software.

Space Shuttle uses hardware to direct, navigate and control it through each and every phase of the flight. The software used in interface with this hardware is very complicated. The computers set in the flight uses very complex programs and also only experienced people can handle this work. The interface between man and machine in the Space Shuttle is composed of electromechanical instruments which are totally dedicated and several switches that include focused displays. This also uses a microprocessor technology which is growing exponentially in recent days.

The following are the goals of the scientists, while working with the computers of the Space Shuttle:

• Distributing the display functions results in off loading of main computers.
• It is very important to reduce the work load on each computer whenever necessary.
• Cost of maintenance should be reduced as much as possible.
• The display should be able to reconfigure and the sensitivity should be increased.
• Time constraints are very important in this technology. The result will be totally flip flopped even if there is a very minor mistake in calculation.
• Advanced active LCDs are used for the displays.
• Space Shuttle’s weight, tight spaces are very important terms to consider.
• The Space Shuttle is also required to be tested for power consumption. It has to meet all the conditions as per the requirement strategies.
• The constraints related to the programs are also very important and it deals with validity, transparency and many more.

Space Shuttle computer functions are as follows:
• These computers have the capacity of on-board data processing which deals with orbital functions.
• Data processing also deals with handling the payloads and scrutinizing the performance.
• General purpose computers that are used will have to satisfy all the requirements of Avionics. These computers are mainly for performing complex computations which are related to the programs installed.

Software coding is very important and hence, there is a need to be very careful about this. There are disastrous situations occurred due to bad coding like, destruction of Mars Polar Lander in 1999. The engine was totally out of work due to the bad coding. The loss was in terms of millions of dollars. If there is nothing mistake in the hardware and still the particular machine is not working means, the fault is with only software. Everything is run using software in this modern world and even the traffic lights are controlled by programming. Usage of programs in an intelligent way can create miracles in the world. Nowadays real time applications are emerging and the changes can be done simultaneously, that is nothing but without even a second delay.


Rental reservation software includes
Marina reservation offices which allows the third party to access the current status of all reservations. Some of the rental properties are marina slips, supported types, rental boating etc
The main reservation consists of soft reservation and also as hard reservations, another important reservation is graphical reservation providing by the marina office.

Once the reservation starts it can be quick time availability. Marina office which gives a nice format of rental module apart from others all these. Which contains drag and drop reservation and also the rental creating, good rate structures, daily or may be weekly rental time period.


• The arrival date and time will be shown.
• It can also print the reservation list of all.
• This also contains soft and hard reservations.
• Which will also provides Departure lists of all
• This will also contain the waiting lists.
• It can show the visual map of the reservations
• The time line of graphical reservation also shown.
• And all type of reservations which contains date and time etc

The Reservations and also the Rental managing consist of…

• Providing the Boat rentals
• Rentals of the truck and also the auto
• Rentals of scooter and motorcycle
• Rentals of the bicycle
• Rentals of the all types of tools and equipment.
• Rentals of all type of party and wedding and other.
• And also hotels and resorts.
• Rentals of cabin.
• R V Parks rentals.
• And Real Estate rental providing.
• Video and also the audio equipment rentals.
• Management of the Food
• Management of the Transportation
• Management of the sports

The Scribble software which consists the managing a today’s business in this market. The quality is main key role to achieve this success for the scribble software industry.
Many of the customers can book their reservations their own only through the website. This Marina rental software is very low in cost and very easy to use.
This marina software rental company which helps the customer online reservation by their websites and it is a full 24 hours service to the customers day and night.

• This online marina reservation software allows any user to reserve and built in his own website.
• This will also helps customers quick bookings and with efficiently
• Which helps very easily all queries and satisfaction of reservations

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hotel Software Benefits

The benefits of Hotel Reservation Software are innumerable as it helps to simplify many routine day to day activities which could take a lot of time otherwise. This software enables to decrease our room rates and makes us less dependent on third party resources that could cost us more. It also helps us to increase the capacity of the hotel to manage corporate clients and/or travel agents.
This software promises to be highly effective and improves direct sales with the clients, this software is ideal for small as well as large hotels, guest houses, resorts, villas etc. It also takes care of all possible ways of earning profits like beds, breakfasts etc. Thus it also helps to increase the overall sales of the company.
Silent features of this software are as follows
• Instant Confirmation: There is no delay in booking and conformation is given immediately. You have total control of the reservations that are made through the website. Guests can directly make payments as no third party is involved. Also the room rates and their availability are in your control.
• Direct Sales could be increased by providing all the convenience to the guests at one place. This software enables the users to make purchases instantly and receive conformation for the same.
• Contact information of the Guests can be provided automatically and there is no need for human intervention. Also staff is freed from tedious work like guest billing, reservation scheduling, and room availability. Sales can be done immediately and avoid the need of time consuming emails and fax.
• Corporate Clients and Wholesale Travel Agents can utilize the facility of online reservation system and get fair rates. This enables to improve the network and compete with third party agency who have strong internet presence. In order to increase yield and decrease the chances of unsold rooms, hotels adjust the room rates regularly matching with their competitors and demand of the rooms. This software helps to modify the rates to suit new as well as regular users.
• To maximize high allotment of the rooms the system serves the reservations to those coming first and avoid overbooking at the same time. In order to deal with sudden surge in booking the software is capable of changing the inventory allotment in order to prevent further booking. This frees the hotel staff from making calls or sending emails or any fax.
• By making prior agreements with reliable travel agencies the hotel has to sign contract with the clients for a longer duration of time. This is a loss for the hotels as they have to charge lesser price even at peak seasons when they could have charged more. Use of these contracts frees the hotels to enter into such contracts and increase their room rates as per their wish.
• Provide varying rates: To create inventory feature available you can change rates for selected clients over a select period of time. You can also assign rates to individual markets whatever be its size or type.

• Default display currency – By enabling the users to chose the currency or mode of payment more clients can enjoy the facilities they are provided with. Last minute sales can be increased by introducing last minute sales. Providing attractive offers promotions and Discount Engine will help in increasing sales of the companies. Online Reservation system enables to work 24/7 thus by increasing customer base’s.

Ecommerce Software

Ecommerce or electronic commerce consists of buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as internet. It is the paperless exchange of business information using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and related technologies. It is used to manage the E-business from any computer connected to the internet. A large percentage of electronic commerce is conducted electronically for virtual items i.e. access to premium content on a website

Use of Ecommerce

o Electronic funds transfer
o Supply chain management
o Internet marketing
o Online transaction processing
o Electronic data interchange (EDI)
o Inventory management systems
o Automated data collection systems.

How to get started with Ecommerce
The recipe for a successful online store includes ecommerce software, your products, search engine marketing, administration and support,
Inexpensive –ecommerce software with shopping cart
Purchase in effective cost $105 to $165 (once and for all) for online storefront ecommerce template with shopping cart software and pay $9.95 to $19.95 per month for hosting. Which one you like choose a look and feel with make slight changes or construction easier to your won design completely. Your up-front investment is small, up till now you obtain so much control and next to not anything about your monthly cost. Although you get a small over your head in Installation services so there are available that you can get. You may only require expending from around $50 to a couple of hundred dollars on installation and configuration consulting, or perform this yourself. The results of your job belong to you. This is your site.
Purchase an online storefront hosted for $99.95 per month, plus a percentage of your sales through a major ecommerce hosting such as Yahoo store, choose your opt a store template and take that with using online Web-based tools customizable. Extra add products and advertise on marketing. Look and feel it is limited your control, and intergrading with your Website is not seamless, nor is monthly costs the lowest, but this is very easiest and quickest method to start and make good product. HTML won’t require knowing for you to build the store, but you will still have to construction design selections, and upload images and process, not to mention adding product fact to the site.
Use of Ecommerce software

o It will increase your direct online sales
o Supports Internal sales staff as standard
o Supports resellers online as standard
o 3Notes feature
o ‘customer notes’ - linked to the customer file;
o ‘private notes’ - linked to the order and viewable by the sales agent;
o ‘Public notes’, - linked to the order and viewable by the customer and sales agent.
o Automate display of a 'Featured Product'
o Handles complex taxes
o Increase customer loyalty
o Great online marketing with its standard news letter & affiliate programs
o Installation included and with no monthly fees & commissions

Ecommerce portal

Ecommerce portal helps in

o Develop online relationships with a multi store ecommerce engine.
o Allows an unlimited number of licensed stores to log-in directly to effect changes online at their convenience.
o Store owners visit your site and sign up for your ecommerce portal

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hotel portal software is designed for online reservation of E-Lodging. Property owners visit the portals. It allows the visitors to enjoy the convenience of non-stop availability of web sites.

It helps in

1. dynamic room allotments
2. distribute confidential trade rates etc

Portal Benefits

 Allows hotels to share their development expenses ,offer unique websites and add marketing initiatives
 Allows Hotels directly to login and effect changes online to their convenience.
 Allows rapid response to change
 Makes web content management easy
 Promote hot deals for last minute sale
 Automating inquiries and guest contact management
 Grab attention by offer promotions, selling and redeem coupons
 Organizing new sales with configurable options
 Helps in make sales immediately with any time consuming mails and faxes
 It accepts the real time reservations online
 Provides lot of ways to link websites and information centers to hotels and resorts
 Quick rooms booking
 Discounts
 Credit card payment

Portal features

1. Installation and setup
2. Payment options
3. Integrated power modules
4. Hotel Front Desk
5. Built-in search engine
6. taxes
7. Merchandising/inventory
8. Customer service
9. Multi – tiered pricing
10. Hosting and databases
11. Design and layout
12. Product management
13. Customer ease of use

Hotel Reservation System portal differences

There are three versions of hotel reservation portal software. They are as follows
 Multi hotel property manager
 Portal version
 Enterprise system

The major difference between these three versions is

Multi hotel property manager: Allows single administration back-end to manage the entire unlimited hotels log on to the portals

Portal version: It also does the above but hotel partners can have full control over allotted rates and allotments.Able to create secure administrative areas for participating hotel partners.

Enterprise system: It allows hotels to have the fully functioned satellite version of Enterprise run on their website.

E-Lodging Reservation Software

 It helps to cater the growing demands of the online lodging industry
 Makes the whole online reservation real time
 Creating many real opening to enterprising individuals


 Cut administration prices of your purpose or portal website
 Offer small organizations with a cost effectual reservation solution

Benefits of Tour Reservation Software

IMS Voyager Tour Reservation Desk Internet is designed to look after your booking, rental or charter required for bus, tour, ferry operators, boat, and other aircraft operators.
This software integrates well into new or existing websites. The users get the convenience to getting all facility to check the web sites purchase online and receive an email conformation on one place.

Intended to integrate into either your obtainable or a new site of server thus permits your visitors to take pleasure the convenience of one-stop accessibility make sure and check at your site, immediate buy and auto-generated email corroboration.

This software help you to increase your sales network your travel agents and the corporate clients can make instant reservation using online facilities. The contract rates are fixed and cannot be changed without password. Third party is involved as user can directly browse the websites and make payments to you online. Complete control of rates is available to you. Using an automatic inquiry system the user can get whatever information that is required. Revenue reporting, guest billing, tour booking, tour occupancy etc can be organized using the software.

By using this software you can grab the attention of clients by up-selling, cross-selling, promotional offers, redeem coupons etc. Automatically generated news letters for the customers offers attractive packages to them. It saves a lot of time by automatically sending emails and faxes and freeing the reservation staff from these tasks. Flexible Technology infrastructure is incorporated and rapidly adapts to changes. Loyal customer network can be expanded and provided with promotional offers to make a strong business relationship. Web content management is very easy as anyone can manage or update reservation system easily. You can install the software of your choice.

Guests can get instant boarding pass and get the receipt at the ticket counter. They can also get a ring of sell and pre sell of tickets. Use of this software generates you a lot of savings by providing an easy to use Barcode system that secures and minimizes error in ticketing system. The tickets are scanned and printed for various venues, events, cruises etc. This secures you from any improper use of the tickets and bears any loss in business due to malicious use of tickets.

It has become very important to have a ticket reservation system. According to Homeland Security Act it is mandatory for boat operators to maintain a security level of 3 MARSEC level. Our software can update all MARSEC level 1 to higher levels with out impacting the existing processes. Thus you can check the identity of the passengers and avoid problems in the future. So act now and install this software in your system today before it is too late.

IMS Software is based on open source software allowing third party developer to design further add on applications on the existing software. A popular and widely used scripting language that is suited for website development can be used with this software. This software is developed Edikon Corporation and can be used in phpShop. MySQL an open source database is used for storing records.

Software Bundle

The combination of two or more softwares in a single package is called software bundle. Generally these are the tricks of the vendors to attract the customers. Occasionally bundled softwares come along with the computer hardware devices. It is mandatory for the working of that hardware device.

The software bundles are tested by the manufacturer before they put up on the markets. This is very much essential to maintain the reputation of a particular company. If there is a fault in the software then, it will not work for sure. Customers will certainly lose hope on the company. Hence, testing of these software bundles is mandatory. Some of the examples of software bundles available in the market:
• The driver software for mouse is available with the mouse.
• The driver software of particular pen-drive is in built. Hence, as soon as you insert into the computer port, it will configure and enable the communication with the user if it is only perfect.
• Microsoft office will be already installed in some of the computers.
• Antivirus might also be installed in the computers so that it will ensure the protection.
• Suppose you need to interface a modem with the microprocessor or microcontroller, then the modem provider will give you the driver software while you buy the modem.

Generally, hardware interfaces with the computer need the help of these software bundles for working. The important things that should be taken care regarding these are their compatibility with the hardware, properties and speed. The communication of the particular interface is possible only if there is synchronization with that processor or controller.

Vendors always try to attract by adding discounts to these packages. You have to be aware about the basic needs, verify all the requirements and then buy it. It is not mandatory to buy the computers with software bundles. There is always an option to buy Microsoft Open License. Hence, if you don’t like the properties of the software bundles that come with hardware interfaces, better option is to buy without these.

This is mainly a promotion of the software. Usually these promotions are through the internet and hence, before buying a particular product you can always research on this. Check the reviews, specification and details of the product and company. Write your requirements in a paper and then go for buying. Remember that the requirements should match perfectly since a minor fault can also corrupt your device.

Each programming-software has its own programming environment and it is specified by the manufacturer. The communication is possible only if the user works in this environment. Editors, compilers, interpreters and debuggers are very familiar for the software programmers. The environment which is used for the merging of these software bundles is known as Integrated Development Environment. The programs can be verified easily with these tools and hence ensures the working of a device. Integrated Development Environment is generally for Graphical User Interface and this is an advance option available. This makes the tools more convenient for the user to interact.

Multipurpose Software

Software is the most important part of any scientific work and is used to control machines and access data. Software is made to run image processing, graphic programs and software administrative tasks and many other tasks. When a software is prepared in such a way that. It can perform multiple tasks is generally called as a multi purpose software. The ability of the multipurpose software is highly seen in hotel reservation. This software helps to improve the profit of the hotels, control of room rates an other related terms of hotel. A property manager is being used by a hotel group, agents etc. It helps us to have an online reservation system for different purposes using a single website. This software enables a direct sales procedure with highly effective online hotel reservation which helps them to increase their profit by avoiding a third party. The system will allow you to know all details of their website and its content with out the help of any website operator. In the sense it is very easy to handle the website. The system will have the following multiple functions as fast room booking, details of discount and credit card payments, rate managing and so on. This software is made in such a way that it helps to manage all kinds of bookings made either by the person who need the room or by the travel agents. It includes powerful marketing features. It also provides a separate dynamic website or it also can act a powerful addition to the current website. One important feature of this software is that it is not a time consuming process. Because it will not waste time by viewing e mail and faxes. IMS voyager hotel reservation software and tour reservation software is a cost effective booking reservation software. The main advantage is that there are no monthly fees and commission fees.

Now we see some of the multi purpose software that is used commonly. Total recorder is multi purpose audio recording software which helps in editing and sound processing capabilities. Stand alone software and plug in collections are used for rework, color correcting, improving and enhancing digital photos on windows. This software consists of manual and automatic tools for a variety of general image enhancement task. They do not provide image creation features

PKIT is one of the multipurpose software. Its functions include global view software, network administration, site at a time systems. Other available features of this multi purpose software include configuration management, network administration, security of the system, system monitoring etc. PKIT consists of a script language and file preprocessor. Another famous multi purpose data controlling and data managing software is the c-tree .This was developed by fair com cooperation.

Now we can consider multi-purpose survey software. In this software let us consider about employees and customer needs. The multipurpose web survey software can be used to conduct both customer and employee survey. Whenever we want to buy multi-purpose software the main think that we have to consider is the cost of the software.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Installation is a computer program; it is the act of putting the software program into a computer. These programs can be executed by copying it to a suitable computer location. Installation process includes unpacking of files completed in a compressed form.

The installation program is a computer program that installs files such as drivers, applications or other software onto a computer. Some installation programs are used to install the files what they contain. Other computer programs are the general purpose and made work by reading the installed software packages. The installer may check for available mass storage and system suitability storage space. The installation process is varies for each computer and each program.

Some software is simply installed by copying that files into desired location and there is no proper installation process. This is same for many users, its running under Mac OS, Amiga OS, MS-DOS, and Atari TOS. These are the early versions of operating system and it is very common. The “de facto” standard in Mac OS X applications is used for several windows applications.

There are some versions which do not require installation, and this can be run from a DVD, CD or USB drive without disturbing the other operating systems installed on the computer.

Software installation includes the modification of:

• Non-shared and shared program files
• Directories/folders
• Configuration of original settings for computer programs
• Variables

Some installation process:

- Silent installation: During this process, it does not display windows or messages.
- Unattended installation: performing the installation without the user interaction.
- Answer file: The answer file is used in Microsoft windows installation process on many machines.
- Headless installation: Installation is performed without connecting the video outputs to computer but the attended information is performed by connecting the serial cable or LAN to computer.
- Clean installation: Clean installation is performed in the lack of interfering factors. The clean software installation is made by formatting its objective separation before the normal installation process.
- Flat installation: Installation is made by a CDs or DVDs to a hard drive.
- Network installation: An installation is performed from a shared network drive. This is the simply a copy of Flat installation.

Sometime this installation is goes wrong, because sometimes setup utilities or software cause some problems that is depends on system control. Before the new software installation, clear the pathway of obstacles and also follow the roadmap when in installation process.

If you are downloading the programs through the internet, scan the programs before you install. If the antivirus software does not scan the downloaded files from viruses, then open the antivirus program and scan the program file. In addition, activate the virus protection before installing the program. If you are disable the other programs, but make your virus protection in running mode.

Monday, February 22, 2010


It allows us to print our own tickets and maintain exclusive control of customer relationships, brands and revenue potential without paying any ongoing commissions. It provides an end-to-end solution using our desktop ticketing technology over the web. Internet is one of the fast growing media to develop this technique.

Use of patron ticketing software

 Helps in growth of your business
 Improves customer service
 Reduces operating cost
 It allows consumers and travel agents to print their tickets immediately from their desktop printer, at home or office.

Ticketing details

Reservation Desk Software

With the Patron Online Tour Ticket Desk Software you add an
o Affordable and easy-to-use web based barcode ticket printing
o Card swiping and Scanning solutions to the reservation system

Ticket Reservation Modules
 It offers you real-time control over your ticket inventory synchronized to reflect every ticket sold online as well as ticket sales at the kiosk/door with a magnetic card encoder.
 You can retain full control of ticketing inventory and the tours or events descriptive content.
 Your customers can buy tickets 24 hours a day from the comfort of their own computer.
Ticket Distribution

It is the most significant 'added-value' service which organizations can offer their ticket purchasing customers.

Other uses of this technology

This technology can also be used for the following

1. Gift certificates
2. Coupons
3. Travel
4. Product warranties
5. Government licenses
6. Insurance cards
7. financial vouchers

It offers both a new medium for

 Marketing
 New sales channel
 Possibility for enhanced relationships with customers


Ecommerce or electronic commerce consists of buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as internet. It is the paperless exchange of business information using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and related technologies. It is used to manage the E-business from any computer connected to the internet. A large percentage of electronic commerce is conducted electronically for virtual items i.e. access to premium content on a website

Use of Ecommerce

o Electronic funds transfer
o Supply chain management
o Internet marketing
o Online transaction processing
o Electronic data interchange (EDI)
o Inventory management systems
o Automated data collection systems.

Use of Ecommerce software

o It will increase your direct online sales
o Supports Internal sales staff as standard
o Supports resellers online as standard
o 3Notes feature
o ‘customer notes’ - linked to the customer file;
o ‘private notes’ - linked to the order and viewable by the sales agent;
o ‘Public notes’, - linked to the order and viewable by the customer and sales agent.
o Automate display of a 'Featured Product'
o Handles complex taxes
o Increase customer loyalty
o Great online marketing with its standard news letter & affiliate programs
o Installation included and with no monthly fees & commissions

Ecommerce portal

Ecommerce portal helps in

o Develop online relationships with a multi store ecommerce engine.
o Allows an unlimited number of licensed stores to log-in directly to effect changes online at their convenience.
o Store owners visit your site and sign up for your ecommerce portal

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Online shopping is processes where the buyers or the consumers are go to buy the products or services by the use of internet services. The on line shop also called as e-shop or e-store, web shop or web store offers an opportunity so as to buy the products in retail as in shopping malls.

Online shopping is a form of electronic trade. Usually all the stores are associated with on line trading where separate software is installed which helps in e trading and keep track of all the details of the purchase and stocks available at the store. The software is designed in such away that it adds up to the maintenance of the stocks and accounts. The pharmacy software copes up with storing information about online purchase of the pharmacy products.

There is new software developed for ordering in restaurants. This software is known as restaurant software. This software is associated with a program that gets the order from the customers and sends it to the kitchen. This is making the data entry process easier. It provides the option for table map, price, menu, reserve stocks in the store and other information. It also provides information about and waiter on which table and who is serving a particular table. Therefore all the process can be under control. Also the accounting can be done by this type of software installation. All the features that are required by a restaurant in day to day activities are kept in track in a simple way by the software. This allows for the betterment and growth of the company by increasing the customers order and reducing the time taken to deliver the items. Thus the customers also feel free and relaxed by this type of service.It are a user friendly and graphically designed software. Its handling and operation is too easy and quick. The system has a wireless interface.

This software is an open source which will work on Linux and Mac. There are attempts being made to make this get operated even on windows.

Even identifying and selecting the golf software is a difficult task. There are few steps involved in identifying and engaging effective golf software. They are

Know the golf software partner to help you to achieve your goal. Be specific with the objectives and needs and develop series of questions to make them achieve your goal.

Know the customers as the software provider will never come to know about the needs of your customers. Help the software making company to design the best software by providing as much as information as needed. The provider should be selected in such a way that enhances the service and attracts the customers.

Service should be provided with more attracting and retaining customers that largely depend on experience delivered. The service providers should be having thorough knowledge about the use of technology. Providers should possess high quality customer service helping in the streamline operations and assist at the time of issues.

The staffs should be able to use the technology incorporated to run the software. The new software should be worth for time and money.

Car rental software

Car rental software is a recent growth in the car rental business. This software has a soft process of work in the Car rental business. This is not so complicated, if you want to hire a car, you can get entire information about the car, price of it by calling call centre, it is on a plane sheet which is known as reservation sheet and at a momentary look of this sheet you can give the suitable information that necessary to be communicated to a consumer.

The work of this software will not end here, because the software keeps path of the vehicle even after customer has booked the car, also all documents of the car and suitable information of the consumer. Incase of any accident, by clicking one button customer can recover, this software gives the higher-class track of the vehicle on hire since the complete information about customer and the car will come to know, also utilization of the car and the total cost.

when the car has completed its work boundary then an alarming message will be sent directly to the owner to keep reorganized regarding the boundary that he has crossed while using the vehicle, by this software the information of every rental and car automatically can be stored in a correct balance sheet mode, also necessary services like mechanical service, insurance expense etc, this approximately done by the vehicle rental software. This software maintains an up to date analysis of the car and also profit, loss happening. When a company has this kind of software installed which manages the job of 10 other workers with one installment and the company will provide car rentals, this can actually create a very big profit. This software lack behind when it comes to pricing and auctions, it even controls the pricing of every car according to the type of the car, model of it, and also distance enclosed by the car, this software is so competent that, it could make a very big differentiation in the car rental company which works in.

Car rental software handles the booking done and also helps to take care of bookings done online on the homepage of the company; therefore the Car rental software has to be purchased it is value every currency. It doesn’t necessary for many people to work and make it work, also it can able to manage several tasks, can do the work very professionally, and by all this the company profit will be increase through cost cut method. The company gets the complete customer satisfaction, when the company gets complete satisfaction it is bound to get more improved and extra sales in the potential.
Car rental software provides organization and management of consumers own car rental business, this software has following features
• Very fast collection of rental contracts and bills
• Customer management with high performance
• Clear damage management
• Very easy to use software management
• Controlling rate and pricing administration
• Statistics this software is great reliability and speed.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Software Validation

Software Validation
Software Validation standard in the ISO 9000:2000, Validation means confirmation. Therefore, in the context of Software the validation development means confirmation that the necessities baseline functions and performances are properly done and completely implemented in the concluding high-quality product. Software verification and validation methods are initiated and their applicability conversed about the techniques point. Approaches to incorporating these techniques into inclusive validation and verification projects are also addressed. This national curriculum module gives an overview required to understand in-depth curriculum components in the validation and verification area.
The Software Validation Project (SVP) must make sure that the following features will be addressed throughout the validation of the software progresses in the context of the IMAGE plan:
 advance Traceability
 Backwards traceability
 Functional audits
 certification
 Software criticality
 Trying for Exam (testing according plan)
 Non-functional requirements
 User requirements traceability
 Design traceability
 ensure project test
 Code evaluation
 Integration test project
 Unit test project
 Test designs explanation
 Test procedures
 Test reports of manufacturing product
Supplies concentrates take fact about the course and tools required to obey with the software corroboration necessities of the quality system regulation, and deviated to all guidance same things of the software on how to put into practice effectual validation programs. In adding, on AAMI TIR32 discussion with further course and how this communicates to ANSI/AAMI/ISO 1497; clarification on cyber security medical devices of networked holding off-the-Shelf (OTS) software, an update on fraction 11 tips on manufacture goods and excellence system software; and class movements.

Software Development Technology

Software Development
Software development is extremely processes of system. The process of developing system software is known as software development. In that various stages part of software development which is also commonly know as Life Cycle of Software Development and many programming, Service-Oriented Architecture and Designing, VB, VBN.NET, ASP, and ASP.NET source code resource including thousands offering of free pre-tested source code scraps and complete application in twenty different categories.
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Visual Basic.NET is including VB. Net and the most present generation of visual basic. Developer will be satisfied to communication that it is new features include inheritance, technique overloading, structured exception managing, and more. These capabilities ensure thus simply than ever to build .NET applications, including Windows applications, web services, and web applications. The articles in this section give you all the instructions points you require to work humor it useful language.
Internet Programming: - The Internet has changed our lives dramatically in a very short time. Many companies dependable in internet and software programmed. Each section employees performs in software and software development advance progress. These are production operation industry by all these technology software process.
 Network Pinger,
 Apple we Browser Example,
 Kangaroo Web Browser,
 Web Browser Using VB 2005,
 Cascades Forum Downloader
Network Pinger: - Extremely short Network Pinger
Apple we Browser Example: - The project is to demonstrate you how to create a tab web browser in VB 2008 and insert preferred function along with cut. Copy and paste features.
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Web Browser using VB 2005: - Web express web browser. It is a faster and secure web browser. It contains security features like lock web page and hide. It also tells current IP address of client. A complete web browser
Cascades Forum Downloader: - Forum Downloader is influential software urbanized to assist you images download from forums and hoards them on your HDD. Maintained image hosts:,,,,,,, Turboimag.Com.
Software development magazine
In 2006 May, the effective software development issue fundamentally, the software Development magazine has merged with Dr. Dobb’s Journal, which wills presently characteristic expanded coverage on themes ranging from development plan management to architecture and design. Past issues of software development are available. What are collections all the data and memories database by methodically techniques supporting software.
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
The Software Development life cycle is a method of procedure adopted and followed during the progress of software and also recognized as software life cycle and software development. There are some few pits of stages in Software development life cycle.
 Requirements analysis
 Specification analysis
 Architectural analysis
 Coding
 Testing
Requirements analysis
There is most important step that acquainted with the specific necessities of the desired software. Exact software is developed by skillful and experience in software engineering.
Previous, the entire development of software process consisted only of a developer script the code of software. However, recently the situation is quite large, complexes, and engages teams of architects, programmers, testers, analysts and users who employment in tandem to construction the codes. Why SDLC has become such important it is main cause. In other languages, without a distinct development life cycle, software often has found to either be unsuccessful.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Software Development

Many companies have various types of Software development productive by lots of different software employ with carefully. So that software development is a very complicated main process. This making planning for very carefully requires and execution to meet the objectives. The developer must react rapidly according the some periodically and aggressively to meet ever-changing advertise demands. The software development which is preserving software superiority hinders fast-paced, as various checking cycles are needs to make sure high-quality products.
There are many stages of software development project. Because you will learn, which stages of chapter of software you want. Its chapter provides an introduction to the software progress for any one. A commercial software product is typically resulting from market commands. The customer’ requirements for people have very fist-hand knowledge in sales and marketing place. From market based upon these requirements very fast, senior software developers create structural design for the high quality products along with functional and design arrangements. Then the start progress of software development. After the primary software testing begins, development phase, and it is complete in parallel with improvement process. Development process for a part documentation because a product not able to purchased to market without manuals. One time a testing done in development process productive based, the software is liberated and the maintain series begins. This stage may include insect attaches and new releases.